
We are pleased to offer a comprehensive range of treatment care to address all of your oral health care needs. We provide the following services:  
New Patients are always welcome! Our new patient/comprehensive examination allows us to provide you with a treatment plan that works best for you. Please call 519-542-1231 ext. 205 or ask for Stacey to set up an appointment.
Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are the key to helping you maintain optimal oral health. Our hygienists offer gentle gum, teeth and oral health care. Along with diet and oral hygiene tips, thorough cleaning and polishing are provided. Cavities, oral cancer screening and bone loss can be detected at your regular check-ups. It is our priority to make our patients feel comfortable.
If you are experiencing pain or discomfort during our regular scheduled hours, please contact our office to set up an appointment. If an issue arises outside of our regularly scheduled hours, one of our dentists is always on call. To access emergency care 24/7, please call the office at 519-542-1231 and you will be directed to an emergency line.
Cavities, broken teeth and small spacing may require repair with a tooth coloured filling. These fillings provide a strong restoration while maintaining a beautiful, natural looking smile.
At MacNeill & Spinnato Family Dentistry we treat people of all ages. Pediatric Dentistry is a rewarding experience for us, however we understand that coming to the Dentist can be a nervous time for both children and parents. We recognize the importance of creating a fun and enjoyable atmosphere for children to ensure a lifetime of positive dental care.
Dental implants are now becoming the “standard of care” for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants do not require modifications to adjacent teeth, thereby allowing our patients a more conservative prosthesis that is easier to maintain.
Teeth that have been heavily restored or broken will sometimes require a crown to maintain the integrity and provide stability for the tooth. A bridge is used to replace missing teeth. It is anchored to the adjacent teeth, closes the space and provides function in the area of the missing tooth/teeth.
Porcelain Veneers provide patients with spacing issues and/or discolouration to the front teeth with a natural and bright smile.
Dentures allow for multiple teeth to be replaced with a single appliance and can drastically improve the look of your smile. They can be a cost effective procedure while still providing you with the results of an enhanced smile and improved function. Dentures come in a variety of forms, unique to each individual’s needs.
  • Complete Dentures
  • Implant Retained Dentures
  • Cast Partial Denture
At MacNeill & Spinnato Family Dentistry, our custom home care whitening kits will brighten up your smile in just a few weeks! A custom fit whitening tray made at our office provides professional results and allows you to easily whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home.
The solution to obtaining straighter teeth and improving your smile without the look of the traditional bracket orthodontics. Through a series of clear aligners, Invisalign will help you straighten your teeth to provide you a more confident smile and improved overall oral health. Invisalign is non-invasive, convenient and much more esthetic than traditional braces. Please come see us for an assessment and to see if Invisalign is right for you. invisalign-logo-trans
Cavities or cracks that affect the nerve of the tooth may require root canal treatment to prevent present or future infection.
Our main goal is to help you keep your teeth strong and healthy. However, in some circumstances, teeth may need to be extracted due to damage beyond repair, impacted/ partially impacted wisdom teeth or orthodontic treatment plans. Other surgical procedures provided are bone grafting and detection of pathology (disease).
Periodontal surgery may be recommended for you if you have periodontal/gum disease. For example, when adequate bone is unavailable, a bone graft can be placed for treatment before an implant or bridge. Soft tissue grafts, also known as gum grafts, are used to re-establish gum height in areas where the gums have recessed.
For many people, visiting the dentist can be a nerve-wracking experience. To help relieve anxiety and make your appointment more comfortable we are able to provide our patients with mild-moderate sedation through the use of nitrous oxide gas and/or oral medications.
Digital Radiography allows us to detect a number of dental problems that can occur such as cavities, cysts, bone loss, and even cancer. Digital radiography technology provides us with a clearer image with less radiation exposure.
We use intraoral photographs to show our patients a clear picture of the inside of their mouth. The pictures are transferred to a TV monitor allowing you to see a visual of the dental challenges you are facing. This allows for a better understanding of the necessary dental treatment recommended.
As a result of grinding and/or clenching (bruxism) your teeth, you can experience a significant amount of pain and cause damage to your teeth. In many instances a night guard appliance can relieve the pressure on your teeth and jaw joint by distributing the force evenly across your bite, significantly reducing the pain. We believe in a team approach – physiotherapy, chiropractic treatment and therapeutic massage, in addition to a night guard.
A custom fit athletic mouthguard provides our patients with the ability to protect their smile, with a comfortable fit, while playing the sports they love.
To Book Your First Appointment, Please Call 519-542-1231 ext. 205

We look forward to seeing you at the office!